As the days grow longer and the temperatures rise, there’s no denying that the summer season is upon us. The days of wearing puffer jackets and sweaters are trailing behind as people have already switched out their winter wardrobe for T-shirts, tank tops, and shorts. These clothes, which are understandably worn to feel more comfortable in the heat, unfortunately expose more of our skin to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. Increased exposure to UV radiation increases the risk of skin cancer, including melanoma – the most serious form. 

With the weather becoming warmer, people are eager to enjoy outdoor activities like beach days, barbecues, and swimming.To protect your skin while enjoying these summer activities, it is imperative to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher on all areas of skin exposed to sunlight. The best sunscreen is the sunscreen that works best for you. This includes sunscreen sprays and sticks, in addition to the lotions we all know. Follow these tips from dermatologists to help you sufficiently apply stick and spray sunscreens.



  1. Apply four passes back and forth on the area of skin you’re covering to ensure that you are using enough.
  2. Rub it in for even coverage.

**Use sticks for ease of application under the eyes and on the backs of hands.



  1. Hold the nozzle close to your skin and spray a generous amount to fully cover the body. For reference, a six ounce bottle contains six applications of spray sunscreen. Spray your skin until it glistens. 
  2. After spraying the sunscreen onto your body, rub it in thoroughly to ensure equal coverage after spraying.
  3. To apply the spray sunscreen to your face, spray the sunscreen onto your hands and then rub it onto your face. Never spray the sunscreen directly on your face and near your mouth. Do not inhale spray sunscreen.



No sunscreen blocks 100% of the sun’s ultraviolet rays, so it is important to take other precautions such as seeking shade, wearing lightweight long-sleeve shirts, long pants, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses that contain lenses that block UVA and UVB rays. Sunscreen sprays and sticks need to be reapplied to exposed areas of skin every two hours to stay safe while having fun in the sun!